Bonnie and Clyde by David Newman Perhaps we could look at the infamous bandits, and set them versus Trump and Pence - 10 out of 10

Bonnie and Clyde by David Newman

Perhaps we could look at the infamous bandits, and set them versus Trump and Pence

10 out of 10



This would be bordering on blasphemy (so there is already a warning, right here, disclaimer and spoiler alert all rolled into one) for those who support Trump, and land in these parts, if that would be a remote possibility, as it is, there is no life on this lonely planet, where we have these lines, so might not offend anyone


Bonnie and Clyde have been two infamous con artists, and so is The Confidence Man even if the folks that vote with him would be outraged (again, they are unlikely to be here, and so is anybody else) by this opinion

The parallel came to me because there are similarities (and quite a few disparities) there is this ghost than hangs over the world, the chance that the ultimate moron will reach again the most powerful position in the world, and quite often, I look at history, examples from the past, and set against the present


Yes, Bonnie and Clyde have killed people, while this lunatic has not, anyway, it was not a direct shot, but we could speculate on the number of deaths he has caused by his stupidity and monstrosity – remember when he told people to use disinfectant to cure Covid, and imagine that those who are foolish enough to support him, can use that ‘cure’

Let me say a couple of words about Pence, the sidekick that does not fit so well into the narrative, at least if you compare him with Bonnie, we could say that Clyde Barrow  is the main culprit, the one that takes Bonnie Parker on that wild ride, and corrupts her, while poor Pence is innocent, without a real role


It is not true, if you look at the symbolism, Pence is the enabler, he stands for one of the leaders of a party that has lost the moral compass, any sense of reality, they are ready to do anything for power, including helping this nut case come to the pinnacle of power in 2024, just to get the benefits, ready for destruction

Mike Pence is not as responsible as his former boss, but a lot of guilt should trouble his sleep at night, Trump would not have reached The White House without the Pences that offered the means…it was the hoi polloi, the uneducated (and big numbers of the selfish) and the stupid in my view voted, but the elites of that GOP were more guilty

Even now, the former vice president is still trying to keep the line of that awful party, when asked on debates if he would pardon the orange fool, if elected president, Pence said yes, and mind you, the fool had sent a mob to occupy the capitol, which they would for some hours, who wanted to ‘Hang Mike Pence’


This latter individual is almost as disgusting as the former boss, such a pathetic false, precious character (if he really has one, back bone he is clearly missing) he would not have a meal with another woman, except his wife, which he calls ‘mother’, how deranged is that, close to what the other fella is

Quite a few books have been written on the ‘president of the USA’- even now, writing this down makes one shudder, if one has any sense, IQ, EQ, a mind of some king, Jesus, Mary and Joseph – which show how mad he is, and freaking dangerous


The Economist may have on the cover tomorrow the ‘terrifying prospect of Trump in the White House in 2024’, something to that effect, they have an article that looks at how much the situation has changed, Oh My God, he is ahead in five of the swing states in a poll that looked at Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and I miss another one

Things can change – and Insha’Allah, they must – in one year, but the pertinent, solid, fabulous analysis of The Economist has some very dark facts, one would be that the two old men have been presidents, and thus the electorate knows them, surprises are fewer in the context, then the opinions have been formed


It may even make one wonder if democracy is the ticket, and yes, Churchill has said that ‘democracy is the worst system, except for all the others’ and he was right, we could, and must look at China, Russia, and so many others and realize that the people there are not exactly blissfully happy, affluent and so on…

However, I am tempted to say ‘hey, you put me in charge, or Andrei Plesu or somebody of that stature, and then we tell you what is needed, and eliminate the possibility that a Trump gets to the top, ever again


Alas, we could see Trump as not the disease, the cause, but the symptom, for his voters could well be just as vile, repugnant, chauvinist, sexists, liars, empty, stupid, aggrandizing, boastful, vain, and we could put here all the negative traits, the Fool has them and possibly, so do all these seventy million and more that elect him

He also has fans around the globe, billions like the model, some praise him in the sauna, where I go – if there were an alternative, I would change places, but this stupid chain has a near monopoly, they are so terrible, they have just announced that they increase prices, and they shut down the Jacuzzi, are you kidding, well, they are not…



Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this  – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is

Some favorite quotes from To The Heritage and other works

‘Fiction is infinitely preferable to real life...As long as you avoid the books of Kafka or Beckett, the everlasting plot of fiction has fewer futile experiences than the careless plot of reality...Fiction's people are fuller, deeper, cleverer, more moving than those in real life…Its actions are more intricate, illuminating, noble, profound…There are many more dramas, climaxes, romantic fulfillment, twists, turns, gratified resolutions…Unlike reality, all of this you can experience without leaving the house or even getting out of bed…What's more, books are a form of intelligent human greatness, as stories are a higher order of sense…As random life is to destiny, so stories are to great authors, who provided us with some of the highest pleasures and the most wonderful mystifications we can find…Few stories are greater than Anna Karenina, that wise epic by an often foolish author…’

‚parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus’

“From Monty Python - The Meaning of Life...Well, it's nothing very special...Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.”



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