Man’s search for meaning by Victor Frankl
Man’s search for meaning by Victor Frankl
This is an extraordinary book, written by an exceptional man: apart from his academic credentials-impeccable- Victor Frankl has been through 4 concentration camps. As a Holocaust survivor (even if I‘ve seen a French movie which pretends that we should not use holocaust, because giving this name is not right, it is the one used by the Nazis) Victor Frankl has learned a lot about the Meaning of life and the fact that having a “Meaning „is the key: in the camp, those who lost the meaning capitulated and died. Frankl quotes Nietzsche: the one who has the WHY can cope with almost any how”.
In the first part of the book, Victor Frankl describes the horrors of the camp, making differences between the good and the few bad kappos, the prisoners who helped the others and those who were cruel. As opposed to Freud, doctor Frankl believes people are not mainly driven by sexual urges, but by a “superior” motive: meaning. He also believes tension is necessary, not equilibrium devoid of meaning.
I was also surprised to learn that our body gets the minimum amount of sleep necessary and maybe I will escape a fear I had that deprived of sleep I would get anxious, nervous and be even more negative than I already tend to be. Reading this book, maybe again and again should help with my cure, bringing a Meaning back into a bit of a needing life.
We generally tend to follow others – conformism, or do what others say-totalitarianism.
The essence of human existence is Responsibility according to dr Frankl, there is even the suggestion to build a statue of Responsibility as opposed to the Statue of Liberty. Liberty can be empty of meaning.
Another surprise was to find that about 60% of those asked felt emptiness, a lack of meaning.
There are a few ways to look at the past, at young people: with regret and envy, or to go to the calendar, write a few diary notes on the day passed, with the satisfaction of fulfillment, the certitude of REALITIES in the past, LOVES loved and things accomplished.
In the book there is mention of a big danger in nihilism: there is no meaning…Live as if you are living a second time.
One can find meaning:
1) by doing a deed,
2) by experiencing; meeting someone can as valuable as achieving,
3) suffering. Find meaning in suffering-one may rise above himself
A paraplegic: “my life has meaning, I broke my neck –it did not break me”
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