Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

 Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This is the absolute, ultimate peak experience...one of the best books I have read

Another version of this note and thoughts on other books are available at:

If you are interested to learn how to obtain maximum joy, this is the book you need to read.

The author is considered to be the co-founder of positive psychology, together with Martin Seligman.

And he is the best expert on Peak Experience or Flow.

The fabulous professor is quoted as the undisputed authority on extreme happiness.

There are a number of intriguing facts and discoveries that have been revealed by the research.

We are at our peak, not when we rest in front of the TV, but when we are challenged and out of the comfort zone.

By the way, the other name for Flow is

-          Being in the Zone

There are a number of conditions that need to be fulfilled for one to achieve Flow

A challenge that matches our skills is needed, that is preventing us from being bored, but is not beyond our reach, in which case we are overwhelmed and frustrated.

The game of tennis, mountain climbing, dancing, surgery are domains that are used as examples.

We are bored when playing with someone who knows much less and exhausted when the adversary is so much better.

Feedback, control of consciousness, attention, clear goals and rules are all needed for Flow.
We loose sense of time and self when in Flow.

We can bring flow into everyday life.

There are quotes from poems, famous authors

-          "A subtle conversation is the Garden of Heaven"

We can get in the zone while having a conversation.

The importance of poetry is emphasized...Iceland is reputed to have the highest number of poets per capita and that helped them cope with their weather and harsh conditions.

Writing has been encouraged by other psychologists and here we learn again about its benefits.

From Plato...
-          "The joy of the thinker- he has found the treasure of wisdom, he is enraptured"

Yu is the Eastern version of Flow.

Interestingly, flow can be obtained from being noticed as sexually attractive...

Walk like an acrobat,
Experience the joy of a winning athlete
See like an artist

An incredible masterpiece that has numerous ideas that one can apply in real life.

It is simple and yet scholarly, well documented but also accessible, entertaining and based on research.

One of the best books that I have read.


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