Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

 Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

The Magnificent Doctor


This is one of the greatest books and best known masterpieces. Flaubert is one of the three real giant writers, my Literature teacher used to tell his students.

I am learning more about this huge writer as I have started reading Flaubert’s Parrot…and by the way, I have Puccini on my shoulder right now, and he is shouting in my ear so loud that I can’t hear myself think. This screaming will stop when the water pistol is out, for this is the punishment when enough is enough-

Flaubert was rather disappointed with the public’s reaction to the publication of Madame Bovary, which has caused a public uproar.

The novel scandalized most of the readers of that age, only to be vindicated later on, when it became not only a best seller, but an acclaimed book, placed in the pinnacle of world literature.

Madame Bovary is about life in the countryside first and then in a small town, with little to offer to a dreamer and dissatisfied woman like Emma Bovary.

Spoiler alert: even if I will not go into all the details, I will reveal some of the plot, thinking:

-          Man, you need to read the book, not these silly notes!

-          After you will have read it, you might be Amused by what another reader has to say

In positive psychology terms, I would say that she is not grateful for what she has and continues to want more. This is petty bourgeois talk and very small minded of me, but if we agree with her “higher aspirations” for a better relationship, for Love, then I think that her downfall is caused by her unfulfilled desires for meaningful relationships, but also by her reckless borrowing which brought about her financial ruin.

Funny enough, I identified with Madame Bovary…perhaps because I am about to get a sex change, like in the movie Normal, or the other one where an old personage interpreted by Christopher Plummer, understands he is gay, at the ripe age of…I don’t know – seventy? After being married for forty years …I forgot the name of the film, but Plummer got an Oscar for his role, playing opposite…woops, I can’t remember even that name- …hold on, it’s back – Ewan Macgregor, if the spelling is right.

I will have to wrap this note up, Puccini is on with his bird operas on my shoulder, while Balzac is working out with some of his toys on the desk, next to the letters that I tap…some of which have had to be replaced, because as soon as I turn around one of them picks up a letter, or a space a number, whatever…

Madame Bovary loves, but in a peculiar way. Hers seems to be a kind of longing, somehow like a junkie searching for his next joint or drug shot; she is looking for …love.

That is my feeling after the latest audition of an adaptation of this book. True enough, I was not in the best mood for this kind of tragic story.

I am having some emotional issues of my own, which made me identify with Madame Bovary- we both long for affection, warmth, acceptance and someone “better „next to us, or at least better able to listen to what we feel, think.

Doctor Bovary is a revelation in the play that I listened to yesterday and this morning. It is a production for the National Radio in which Valeria Seciu holds the lead role and George Constantin plays her husband.

Like in every role, he is Magnificent. If he is a villain, you find a smile, even if hidden, a ray of light in his acting. This man was Pure Magic.

As I keep mentioning in my notes I am thinking of a new religion, without saints, commands, Fatwas or sharia executions.

George Constantin would be a role model.

If you aspire to be good, enjoy life, have an overwhelming personality –in the good sense- you must look at this colossus.

He had everything inside and more, for he could share:

His majesty

The Joy











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