Makintosh by William Somerset Maugham, who is one of my favorite writers, author of Honolulu and other magnum opera - 10 out of 10
Makintosh by William Somerset Maugham, who is one of my
favorite writers, author of Honolulu
and other magnum opera
10 out of 10
For some time, it seems strange that Somerset Maugham has
decided to name this narrative Makintosh, for although he is clearly one of the
main personages of the tale, Walker is the more prominent one, and furthermore,
he is the boss, the ‘father of the natives’ of this Polynesian island, from the
state of Samoa, in the South Pacific
Walker is larger than life, he commands his ‘subjects’, has
an unquestioned authority in his small realm, the officials in the capital of
Samoa have given him what amounts to a free hand, he does not want the locals
in prison, hence he refused the idea of building one, which would be a waste of
the funds on such a project
He has his own way of dealing with them, if they commit a
crime, and yes, this is a mixture of abuse of power, with a strange attachment,
maybe the word is affection, I do not know if it is love, we may get to the
ending, so a spoiler alert here, maybe I will say what happens near the end, besides,
maybe you could read something better than this note
The anti-colonialists would be justified in pointing to what
the man does to infuriate, and even impoverish the locals, when he has that
crazy plan, and we will get to that (Insha’Allah) soon, while those who look at
what happens to him, and how he wants to spare the population any blame and
punishment, might plead his cause
We should, like always, use the wise rule of Aristotle
the Golden Rule would urge moderation, virtue has vice on both sides, the man
who jumps on a motorbike, to speed with 300 miles per hour is not brave, just
like the coward who is secluded at home
Makintosh is the opposite of Walker, and his assistant, even
physically they seem at the extremes of the spectrum, one heavy, the other tall
and thin, the leader is not very educated, makes grammar mistakes, and his
assistant is rather sophisticated, alas, one is often too rude, unpolished and
brutal, while the other is malignant, up to a point
In Scoop
‘up to a point’ stands for this is a lie, Lord Copper is the owner of The Daily
Beast, and he gets two kinds of answers to his questions, definitely, when it
is a genuine fact, and ‘up to a point’, when they have to lie to him
Makintosh hates his boss, and let me just say this is yet
another proof that proverbs and sayings can be stupid, in this case, there is
the ‘opposites attract’ sage mot, when we can see here, and in most cases, people
that are so unlike each other tend to reject each other, a bandit will not be
friends with an opera lover…
Well, the latter might be confusing, for we know from The
and other classics that the mafiosi could well love great music, family, and
still kill with abandon, be savage with their foes and rivals
At one point, Walker wants the natives to build a road, and
we reach a climactic moment, when they refuse to do it for the twenty pounds he
offers, because they have learned better from Maluma, the son of the chief, who
has been on the other islands and saw that the authorities pay much higher
wages, for the same work
Ergo, this ‘rabble rouser’, or legitimate ‘fighter for human
rights, emancipation’, insists that they must refuse the white man, because
they have the power and they could wait until he comes to his senses, and pays
what is fair and proper, but Walker would have none of that, his power is
absolute, or so he thinks
Indeed, it looks as if he can get the upper hand, again, and
in a conflict with the locals, he had never lost, up to now, and he threatens
them, after he says he will have a feast, when the road is finished, that they
will regret this attitude
Cunning as he is, this ‘local prince’ has a smart plan, that
is one that works for him, though not for the population, he invites men from
other islands to work for the twenty pounds that he wants to pay for this
project, and they come to work with gusto, because there is an awful catch to
all this, and it ruins the natives
Their custom is that they feed and offer hospitality to strangers,
those who work at this road get paid, and they are nourished and they drink at
the expense of those who refused the money, and as days become weeks, food is
vanishing, they have to cut trees to get the needed materials and they face
poverty and destitution
The guests take their time, this is a good deal for them,
seeing as they pay nothing for their upkeep, and Maluma is beaten, seen as
responsible for all this calamity, the poor fellow has to spend days lying
down, after the beating, and goes to Makintosh to get some treatment, and this
is when he sees the gun that the assistant has
Makintosh is aware of the temptation, his heart is beating
faster, and he could envisage what will happen to his boss, if Maluma gets the
revolver, and yet, the young man is left alone, and allowed to steal the means
to exact revenge, which leads to the tragedy (second spoiler alert, if needed) in
fact, it is a double drama, first Walker is shot, and wounded so badly that he will
die in hours, but not before showing this resplendent stoicism, magnanimity, he
insists that he liked Makintosh, who will take his place, and he must not say
what happened, he does not want ‘his children to suffer’, so this was ‘an
accident’, though we know it was murder…
Now for my standard closing of the note with a question, and
invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a
million dollars with this – as it is, this is a unique technique, which
we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make
lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not
know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se
There is also the
small matter of working for AT&T – this huge company asked me to be its
Representative for Romania and Bulgaria, on the Calling Card side, which meant
sailing into the Black Sea wo meet the US Navy ships, travelling to Sofia, a
lot of activity, using my mother’s two bedrooms flat as office and warehouse,
all for the grand total of $250, raised after a lot of persuasion to the
staggering $400…with retirement ahead, there are no benefits, nothing…it is a
longer story, but if you can help get the mastodont to pay some dues, or have
an idea how it can happen, let me know
As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a
smaller Mao, there it is
Some favorite quotes from To The Hermitage and other works
‘Fiction is infinitely preferable to real life...As long as
you avoid the books of Kafka or Beckett, the everlasting plot of fiction has
fewer futile experiences than the careless plot of reality...Fiction's people
are fuller, deeper, cleverer, more moving than those in real life…Its actions
are more intricate, illuminating, noble, profound…There are many more dramas,
climaxes, romantic fulfillment, twists, turns, gratified resolutions…Unlike
reality, all of this you can experience without leaving the house or even
getting out of bed…What's more, books are a form of intelligent human
greatness, as stories are a higher order of sense…As random life is to destiny,
so stories are to great authors, who provided us with some of the highest
pleasures and the most wonderful mystifications we can find…Few stories are
greater than Anna Karenina, that wise epic by an often foolish author…’
‚Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus’
“From Monty Python - The Meaning of Life...Well, it's
nothing very special...Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good
book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in
peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.”
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