Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Famous gothic story I have been meeting with Jane Eyre a few times. Last time I remember it was so much fun. It is not the book, but the reader, since this afternoon I have enjoyed Jane Eyre. I have listened to yet another adaptation for the Romanian National Radio, with Victor Rebengiuc, the greatest actor alive in the lead male role. For much of the novel, Jane Eyre is poor and has to take orders in the position of a servant, but she is also a kind of Cinderella- noble, modest and valiant. The presence of a “phantom” may add spice or work as a turn off. A few years ago, I hated this dark side and the fact that Mrs. Rochester kept showing up, intent on burning or biting someone. The soap opera writers of today may have read Jane Eyre and other good novels, where the unexpected keeps happening. At the altar, the groom turns out to be already married and keen on becoming bigamous. Sounds like it comes from Mariachi mixed with The Young a...