Orphan Bride by Sara Seale – this is one of The 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read, included in the Love Section - 9 out of 10

Orphan Bride by Sara Seale – this is one of The 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read, included in the Love Section 9 out of 10 This is a remarkable, wonderful novel which has only about forty ratings and maybe twenty reviews on Goodreads (now we can add one to these numbers) an incredible fact, if we look at what Dan Brown, other lesser authors have – millions of ratings and multitudes of opinions expressed – it is a pity that such wondrous work goes unnoticed Orphan Bride takes the Pygmalion myth and somehow tells it again, with Julian Dane in the role of the sculptor, and Jennet Brown would have the part of Galatea – in the old legend, Pygmalion creates this beautiful statue and falls in love with it, only because she is made of stone, he asks the gods to give her life and they oblige In psychology, there is The Pygmalion Effect – researchers went into schools in California to study what happens if they tell teachers that three students will perfor...