Everybody Knows by Asghar Farhadi – one of the best directors and writers in the world, my note on A Separation is at https://realini.blogspot.com/2017/11/note-on-separation-writer-director.html where you find thousands of other reviews - 10 out of 10
Everybody Knows by Asghar Farhadi – one of the best directors and writers in the world, my note on A Separation is at https://realini.blogspot.com/2017/11/note-on-separation-writer-director.html where you find thousands of other reviews 10 out of 10 A Separation is one of the best films I have seen, the day before yesterday I saw it for the second time, and yes, these lines are about Separation, my opinion on Everybody Knows is that albeit it is a very good film, it is not on the level of Separation, A Hero or The Salesman – I will post my takes on all three on my blog A spoiler alert on two counts, one is that Everybody Knows is out of the picture by now, and then I may write about what happens in A Separation, towards the end, however, we will not have too many unhappy customers, for not many go beyond the first line, and then who will wants to read something on one movie and complain there are details on another, once he decides to pursue the ...