The Treasure by Somerset Maugham – one of my favorite writers, author of Human Bondage and other magnum opera - 10 out of 10
The Treasure by Somerset Maugham – one of my favorite writers, author of Human Bondage and other magnum opera 10 out of 10 ‘Richard Harenger was a happy man’ – this is the introduction to this short story, in which we get the recipe for happiness, as proposed by Seneca and other Stoics, and tested by Maugham, since ‘wish for what you already have’ appears to be the winning formula ‘The golden mean which the ancients proposed is out of fashion’ – this is what we get in the second phrase, and it might well be true for the period of the narrative, and indeed, for the age of the author, but although excess is common, what Aristotle said is paramount If you ask me, his analysis (Aristotle’s) is spot on, for...